New blog!!

Okay so I got bored and made a new blog!! To see it click here

Saturday, July 19, 2014


A few days after the fox encounter, Dappledstar had been giving out orders often, and kept the patrols high just in case the fox decided to come back. The pretty calico felt confident that she knew what she was doing, and had a little more understanding, but much was still be learned.
Leafbreeze woke up to the sound of a morning dove quietly making its announcement of dawn. As she stepped out of her den dew fell from the sage giving of a soft sweet smell; joy filled her belly as she couldn't smell the sickness that once lingered in the camp. Mist swirled around the camp as dawn broke, the pretty black and white she-cat trotted over to her leader's den. "Dappledstar.." only her head popped in to see Dappledstar slowly blinking her amber eyes. The calico cat stretched her sore body out as she slowly began to wake up. Dappledstar shook out her pelt and sat up, "Come in...", she said through a yawn. Leafbreeze  came in and sat down. "when do you plan on leaving?' she said quietly. "Today. I want to get this out of the way, so we can go today. Just let everyone wake up so i can give orders." the smaller cat nodded and stepped out. "maybe now things will make sense. A better understanding.." the young leader said to herself.

Dreamer's Cave
The Dreamer's cave is where Jayclan goes to speak with Starclan. The entrance is only big enough for a cat or smaller, but as you step in there is a big open area with a small stream that pools up, farther in the cave it goes where no one dares. the floor is covered with dry soft moss; the water every night is a clear blue. the cave is just South of Jayclan camp.