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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Members and a Message from Starclan

        Three sunrises have passed since the death of the leader, Sandstar, and the fight between Fireflower and Dappledstar. Things seemed to have gone back to normal expect the glares Fireflower has passed to Dappledstar. New members have followed short after the deaths, Smokepelt, Raggedfur, Thornstrike, Navy who has refused to take an apprentice name, and one with a grouchy attitude now named Spiderbite have by change stumbled upon Jayclan.. Mistypaw has favored Navy, but the dark-gray she-cat has been a bit harsh to the other clan mate due to trust issues. Fireflower has always been known to like a cat she just barely met, and has found herself liking Thornstrike and Raggedfur. Spiderbite has been a thorn in everyone's fur if they bothered him, "Leave me alone you mouse-brain of a warrior." his yowls of insults fill the camp with negativity. After a few nights of not sleeping Dappledstar has been visited by Starclan. She woke up in a foggy forest with no one else in sight. "Hello? Is anyone their?", she mewed to the empty clearing that seemed to echo forever into emptiness. Dappledstar began to walk forward or what felt that was forward. Bright familiar yellow eyes began to appear in front of the calico she-cat. "Sandstar?" her head tilted as she spoke. The she-cat couldn't get close enough to identify the cat fully, but she felt like it was Jayclan's old leader. "Dappledfoot, you must find a place to get your nine lives..." she stopped trying to get closer. "But you said Starcl-" Sandstar stopped her, "I know what I said, but I was wrong...they are here, to help, and guide you. Find a place to get your nine lives, and you're wrong, you are ready..." Dappledstar's fur began to bristle at the sound of him still calling her Dappledfoot. "Wait!" she had more questions but the dream began to fade when Sandstar's eyes disappeared. "Wait Sandstar!" Dappledstar jolted awake, the sun was just barely climbing over the horizon. No time was to be wasted, she jumped up onto the High Rock and called the whole clan together. "Cats of Jayclan! Join me here at the High Rock for a clan meeting!"


  1. Nightmask stretched in her den, her limbs quivering with stiffness and sleep. In her sleepy daze, she could forget that Sandstar had died and could forget that the sickness had claimed most of the clan. That only lasted for a few heart beats. As she realized the voice yowling for a meeting was a she-cat and not a tom, and as she scented the thick smell of illness, she knew this to not be true. The creme she-cat shook out her thick pelt, giving it a quick grooming so it pooled around her and swayed with the soft breeze. She was one of the lucky ones who hadn't gotten sick. Nightmask considered it was because of her strength, really she was just lucky. The warrior padded out and settled in front of High Rock with her icy gaze raised up to her new leader, whom she hardly believed worthy of such a title.

    Aspenwind had been out hunting alone, which wasn't odd for him. The pale tabby tom slipped in through the entrance to camp just in time to hear Dappledstar yowl for a meeting, a plump mouse dangling from his jaws. He was a skilled hunter, which wasn't surprising considering he spent all his time hunting and patrolling in between. Aspenwind deposited his prey on the small prey pile and padded over to sit at the back to the group. He coughed quietly, but it wasn't alarming. He was one of the few cats who had managed to catch the sickness and recover, but the cough lingered. It was the only sound any cat had heard from him, besides the scarce word.

    Leafbreeze poked her head outside the Medicine Den, her green eyes missing their usual glow. She was exhausted, and it showed in her slow movements and unfocused gaze. Since the sickness had started, she hadn't slept or ate: all her time had been focused on desperately trying to heal her suffering clan mates. Now, with things calming down, the black and white she-cat padded slowly to the clearing and sat beneath the high rock, a strong scent of herbs following her. Leafbreeze looked around at her suddenly small clan, a small wail almost erupting from her throat as she still mourned all the deaths she couldn't have stopped.

  2. .Dappledstar looked around at the small clan. "Now listen I'm sorry I had to wake you but Sandstar came to me and said that I had to find a place to get my nine lives so...Leafbreeze and I will go out and look for something...but only when she is fit to travel. In the mean time...Thornstrike will be in charge but only when we leave."she looked to Leafebreeze nodding to her to see if she was willing to do. Dappledstar's pale amber eyes held concern knowing how Nightmask feels about her being leader.

    Brackenfur nodded looking around quietly thinking. is she being serious Sandstar never believed in Starclan...that's not him...

    Fireflower looked at her with disgust, "but Sandstar never believed that they ever existed. No one else here believes but you and the kitty-pet!" She spat with a harsh hiss at the mention of kitty-pet.

    Mistypaw rolled her eyes at her comment. "Who cares, if it was a message from Sandstar than it must be true. And don't talk to our clan medicine cat like that you're lucky to be alive." She quietly said nudging her once well known friend.

  3. Leafbreeze nodded to her leader. She could mix up some traveling herbs and make the journey, wherever they were to go. The petite black and white she-cat winced at Fireflower's harsh words. She was used to it though and simply looked back at the she-cat with a cool green gaze. "I was a kitty-pet. Everybody knows. Why you constantly have to point that out I don't understand, Fireflower." She meowed toward the Warrior. "But then again, I know you are slow about things." She didn't wait for a reply, just headed for her den to start to mix herbs for the trip. Despite her exhaustion she curled her tail up and raised her head.

    Nightmask knew she could go against Dappledstar's claims of Sandstar sending her to find Starclan if she wanted. But, though she disliked the she-cat, a Deputy needed to be chosen. I want to be that Deputy/ "So what does it matter if Sandstar didn't believe in them when he was alive? Imagine his shock when he died and realized he had no where to go because of that!" She stood, looking at her clan mates. "He must be in Starclan now and must believe if he came to Dappledstar. She's our new leader, we mustn't question her." The creme she-cat looked back at the calico leader with a nod.

  4. "That is all." She didn't say anything to Nightmask only nodded dropping down to rest up. "Nightmas, Fireflower, and Brackenfur. Go hunting..."Dappledstar meowed quietly as she walked passed them to her den.

    Fireflower rolled her eyes but did as she was told.

    Brackenfur nodded looking worried at his friend but didn't say anything more, "come on guys let's go..."he began to walk out of camp with Fireflower following close behind.

  5. Mistypaw walked away to see what Aspenwind was doing.

  6. Spiderbite didnt bother coming to the gathering his body ached from the small den that he sleeps in. "What's happening?" he asks Smokepelt with a scratchy old voice. The old tom says stretching out his limps until they quiver.

  7. Smokepelt looked at Spiderbite then walked closer to him, "Dappledstar had a vision; we must find a place to contact Starclan. Her and leafbreeze will leave a soon as they can, when Leafbreeze is back in shape, ready to travel."

    Raggedfur looked around sighing seen everyone not getting alone boiled his blood which was hard to do. It took his mind off of fun which wasn't pleasant. He walked out of camp to find something fun to do.

  8. Nightmask flattened her ears. Ungrateful little fox-dung. She glared at Dappledstar as the she-cat padded away, but didn't let the leader see it. Just play nice if you want to be picked for Deputy. The creme she-cat followed after her clan mates, but brushed past them to be in front. She scented the air when they were out of camp, looking for prey.

    Leafbreeze was glad the tension was over. She searched through her herbs, starting to chew up leaves and mix them together to make a traveling poultice. Her thoughts drifted back to her house-folk. She could be in their two-leg den right now, sleeping soundly on the females lap with warm strokes across her back. The black and white she-cat shook away the thought. No. That's not your life now. This is. Your clan mates will appreciate you soon. Just give it time. She was glad at least Dappledstar seemed to trust her abilities.

    Aspenwind had watched the scene with flattened ears. He happened to really like Leafbreeze. She was a good medicine cat and had healed him with the tenderness of a mother. She was also one of the cats he could easily talk to, since they both didn't exactly fit in. He looked startled when Mistypaw walked up to him. He gave a dip of his head in greeting, looking down at the little she-cat.

  9. Mistypaw purred rolling on the floor pawing at his paw. "Haha." She giggled quietly bored that her mentor was out of camp.

    Dappledstar quietly mumbled to herself, "what if something goes wrong...what if. No stop, stop just calm down. You're gonna be fine." She said before walking out of her den looking around. Dappledstar headed to Leafbreeze's den. "I'm only going to do this if and when you're ready..."she looks at her with soft eyes.

    Brackenfur rolled his eyes at Nightmask. He's had to deal with her forever and has gotten tired of it. "Calm down tiger, you're not the hot shot here..."his eyes harsh, his tone annoyed and irrated.

  10. Fireflower trailed off the group and didn't hunt she found a mossy place and napped.

  11. Aspenwind forced himself not to pull his paw away. He felt bad that he didn't know her name. He didn't spend a lot of time talking with the other cats so he hardly knew any of them. "Uh, hey there?" The pale tabby tom's ears swiveled back and he ducked his head in an embarrassed way.

    Nightmask swung her head around to glare at the tom, her blue eyes cold. "Oh and you are?" She snapped, not waiting for a reply. She continued on and scented the air, picking up mouse. Her mouth watered and she unsheathed her claws. She noticed Fireflower was gone but didn't care.

    Leafbreeze looked at her leader, trying to straighten up and brighten her eyes. "Trust me, I'm fine. This must be important if Sandstar wants you to speak with Starclan even though he didn't seem to believe when he was alive." She brushed some crushed leaves away, having made two traveling herbs. "The herbs are ready anyway." She swished her thin black tail.

  12. "Fox-dung..."Brackenfur puffed under his breath.

    Mistypaw stopped sitting up, "your quiet, are you okay?"she stopped giggling and tilted her head to the side as she asked.

    Dappledstar nodded, "then we will leave tomorrow, get some rest, I know you're not okay."she said before walking out. The she-cat walked over to Aspenwind and Mistypaw. "You, me, and Mistypaw will go on a patrol. Okay?"her eyes softer on Aspenwind and Mistypaw.

  13. Nightmask heard him, but ignored it with a flick of her ear. She followed the mouse scent, getting into a practiced crouch. The little creature soon came into sight and with a silent pounce she caught it. The warm body made her mouth water.

    Aspenwind looked down. He felt ashamed of how quiet he was and the fact that she verbally pointed it out made him feel more ashamed. "I'm..." He was soft spoken. "Fine." When Dappledstar walked up, he tried to straighten up. He nodded, ready for a patrol. That would be less awkward.

    Leafbreeze nodded solemnly with a sigh. She put the mixtures in leaves and then walked to the back of her den to rest. She had frequent nightmares of not being able to save her sick clanmates.

  14. Mistypaw nodded walking towards the entrance of the clan."okay good!"

    Brackenfur caught a mouse, and grouse.

    Dappledstar watched her go off and followed slowly she looked over at Aspenwind a few times but didn't say anything she became shy and quiet.

  15. Aspenwind focused on the patrol. He kept his nose working, sniffing for any strange scents and looking for any strange tracks. He also marked the borders carefully. The pale tabby tom glanced at Dappledstar. He didn't often get to go on patrol with the leader. Aspenwind wondered if she even ever noticed him. Probably not.

  16. Dappledstar didn't know what to say but had to come up with something anything,"so how's the trail I haven't noticed anything but maybe my nose is off today..." she didn't want to go on and make things awakard.

    Mistypaw was ahwad off in her own world.

  17. Aspenwind made brief eye contact. "Everything seems fine." He mewed with a slight shrug. "I bet you have a great nose." He felt awkward after saying it. "Being leader and all!" Ugh, that was loud. Now I sound crazy.

  18. Dappledstar laughed a bit,"eh not really my nose hasn't been all that great since my sister rammed me with her head...haha. and good we don't need any more trouble." Her voice soft, quiet, and shy.

  19. "Sounds like a nice sister." He said with a laughing purr, but quickly quieted and went back to sniffing and marking the border. Aspenwind stopped as a threatening scent drifted across his nose. The fur along his shoulders rose and his tail brushed up. "Dappledstar. There's a fox nearby." He looked at her with his hazel eyes. "The scent is fresh." The warrior made sure Mistypaw hadn't wandered off.

  20. Dappledstar's mood changed in a heart beat. "Mistypaw stay close!" the leader hissed. She glanced around with caution eyes she kept glancing over Aspenwind and Mistypaw. If anything happened to them now...I don't know what I would do. "Just stay calm...Dappledstar. Stay calm..." she whispered to herself quietly. Her fur was on end in a stripe down her back and on her shoulders.

    Mistypaw felt her fur crawl with excitment and fear all at the same time. "What do we do?"

    Dappledstar didn't answer she was in too much of shock to answer.

  21. Aspenwind looked at his leader, waiting for direction. His thoughts flew as she didn't say anything. The pale tabby gave her a gentle nudge, noticing the fear paralyzing her. "Lets climb up these trees until we see it, that way we can't be ambushed." He suggested, his heart thudding as the bitter scent writhed around them.

  22. Dappledstar was pulled out of her state and nodded making them go first. "Go! Now Mistypaw now!" she hissed with concern.

    Mistypaw was having troubles get up the time."I-I can't..."Dappeledstaer grew impatient and pushed her up.The leader's eyes burned with fear and anger at herself, she was the leader she shouldn't get scared and freeze at such a serious moment.

  23. "Go Aspenwind..."she huffed as she waited.

  24. Aspenwind looked at Mistypaw as she struggled up the tree, then Dappledstar. She would be right behind him, he reminded himself, and jumped up into the tree with ease. At that moment, he heard the cackling of a fox in the bushes and saw the bright red fur through the thin grass. There weren't many trees, and not many places to hide. With Mistypaw safely up the tree, Dappledstar and himself were going to have to face the creature. "What do we do?" He looked at the pretty calico with wide hazel eyes.

  25. "We can confuse it..with swift hard blows to the head."she said getting into a crouch getting ready to jump down from the tree she became more calm but was still in slight shock.

  26. Mistypaw watched with wide eyes, "I want to help!" Dappledstar looked back at her with sharp eyes," you can help by staying here in the tree."

  27. Spiderbite chuckled bitterly his bright green eyes bitter and sour to the soul. "Well that has no need for me. I'm going back to my nest make sure one of the little mindless apprentices get me something to eat." the old tom hissed before turning away back to the elders den.

  28. Smokepelt choked his head at the tom, "Well okay then..."he padded his way out of the camp to find something useful to do hoping not to find Raggedfur and get mad and debate whether what the spotted tom was doing was helpful or not.

    Raggedfur found himself on a tree jumping form bronach to branch.

  29. Roseleaf looked out of the medicine cats den, and walked out. She went out to look for some herbs to collect, and restock up for. She passed Dappledstar and Aspenwind, but stayed out of sight.

  30. Dappledstar heard and caught a glimpse of the the ginger, white, and black she-cat. "Roseleaf stop!"Dappledstar hissed after her but didn't move she could only hope that the she-cat would listen to her leader. The pretty calico loooks over at Aspenwind with soft yet alert eyes

  31. Roseleaf's ears swiveled to hear her leader call out to her. She stopped and bristled at the scent of the fox. The pretty she-cat didn't hesitate to turn and trot to her leader. She looked over at the two with fear. Roseleaf didn't know how to fight well she had to be ready to jump into the tree if it came at her.

  32. Aspenwind nodded as Dapplestar gave orders, though she sounded uncertain. He then jumped as he say Roseleaf down on the ground near the fox. There was no time to waste. The red creature's head swung in her direction, its nose twitching as it caught her soft scent. The pale tabby tom waited for the fox to come close enough underneath them before he hurled himself out of the tree and onto the creature with a shriek. He landed on the fox's back, sliding to the side as the creature yelped and shook around. Aspenwind dug his claws in and bit hard into its shoulder, his eyes wide with terror and determination.

  33. Dappledstar had to remember that she was leader and this was only like normal fighting. The she-cat followed after her clanmate and scratched at its nose and eyes. The devil like creature rose up on it hind paws and exposed its underbelly. "Ha got ya."she said with a clever smile as she rammed forward and knocked its breath out. She scratched and bit at the soft flesh as long as she could get to it.

  34. Mistypaw didn't want to just watch she wanted some action so jumped from the tree and joined the fight.

  35. Roseleaf stood in shock. As a paw came down almost hitting her broke her shock for a moment and ran off in the other direction. Fear said everything on her face. The pretty she-cat had her head turned and without knowing it ran right into Nightmask.

  36. Dappledstar watched as the pretty she-cat fled the seen her eyes burned to a deep amber when she saw Mistypaw jump down from the tree. "I told you to stay in the tree! I will deal with you when we get back to camp." the pretty calico was swiped in the ear with a heavy paw. her ear rang as she looked around. Every sound, movement was muffled and ringing with pain. Dappledstar may not have been able to hear but she didn't stop fighting.

    Mistypaw ignored her leader, she didn't mean to not listen she just wanted to help and thought fighting would help do so. The gray striped she-cat watched Aspenwind as he fought hoping to learn something from him.

  37. Aspenwind had fallen off the fox as Dappledstar shoved it backward. He had gotten nipped on the shoulder, his pelt burning with pain from the wound. The pale tom ignored it though and while the fox was down he joined in with the other two to deal it a few more blows. The russet red creature reared back, yelping and dashed into the trees. Aspenwind gave chase screeching, but his shoulder soon made him stop. "And stay out mange breath!" He yowled, breathing heavily and dropping to a crouch. His pelt suddenly burned with embarrassment when he remembered his clanmates behind him. He didnt usually talk like that or really at all.

    Nightmask hissed as she was ran into, blue eyes burning. "What in the name of starclan is wrong with you, you fox hearted mouse brain!!" Her claws unsheathed and her thick cream and brown pelt bristled.

  38. Dappledstar's eyes widened at what the top was saying, "well thats different.." she said cocking her head as she spoke. adrenaline was numbing her pain at the moment so she couldnt feel. her pelt bloody and ripped she looked over at Mistypaw. "i told you to stay there. next time you need to listen. i will punish you later but. we have to go back to camp." her green eyes looked over Aspenwind. "come on can you walk on your own?" she meowed quietly. her voice full of concern.

  39. Aspenwind just nodded, though he felt his shoulder sting and buckle as he attempted to walk. Still he managed. He wanted to ask if she was okay, to say she fought well, and to say that he'd be willing to go on a patrol to make sure the fox was gone, but he didnt say anything. He just walked in silence, his hazel eyes focused on the ground.

  40. (wow its been awhile guys haha)
    Roseleaf shrunk at the larger cats tone but manged to mumble fox. her eyes full of fear as her fur crawled with adrenaline.

  41. dappledstar nodded and began walking towards camp. "good job to the both of you." she said not looking back the pain was starting to sink in which caused her to start limping.

    mistypaw pushed out her chest as she was praised and purred,"thanks you too." the small cat didnt have many scratch or bite marks but twisted her paw pretty good while jumping down the tree.

    (yea it has)

  42. Nightmask's ears flattened. "Fox, where?" she hissed, tensing up and looking around. Her blue eyes flashed as she tired to spot red fur.

    Aspenwind nodded at her compliment. He noticed her limp and asked very quietly, "Are you okay?"

  43. Roseleaf's ears flattened and flicked her tail in the direction she just came from.

  44. Nightmask looked aver the she cat quickly. "Are you okay?"

  45. Dappledstar nodded trying not to limp as bad, but couldnt help but limp. She didnt want help and seem helpless. The calico cat just prayed that the fox was smart enough to not come back.

  46. Roseleaf meowed slightly louder than usual,"yeah im okay.."

  47. Aspenwind wanted to help her, but shyly nodded and continued on his way. He realized his shoulder was matted with blood.

  48. The creme and brown she cat nodded. "Get back to camp then. Tell them the news." Nightmask dashed off in the direction of the fox. She caught the scent easily but found no fox. The trail just ended. "Odd..."

  49. Dappledstar continued to walk back to camp. When the three cats entered camp they walked to Leafbreezes den. "Leafbreeze.."she mumbled through a pan filled voice.

  50. Leafbreeze was sorting herbs, getting ready for the trip to come. She knew from her voice something wasnt right. Turning around the scent of fox and blood hit her pink nose and her green eyes filled with fear. "Whos hurt? What happened?"

    Aspenwind stood behind his leader, feeling faint from pain.

  51. Roseleaf nodded and dashed back to camp. "Everyone theres a fox in the territory come quick!!" She yowled loudly.

  52. Dappledstar stepped aside and let the other two come in,"there wa-"she was cut off when Roseleaf yowled through the camp. The leader was too concerned about the other two to care what Roseleaf had to say. "A fox just attacked us.."her breath becoming shallow.

  53. Leafbreeze pulled out herbs as she spoke to them with her pink paws. "Here, lay down in these nests." she directed the three to mossy patches. "I knew i should have warned Dappledstar..." she muttered to herself.

    Aspenwind layed down. The pretty black and white she cat was his only friend in the clan but he couldn't talk to her now. His head felt dizzy with pain.

  54. Dappledstar stepped in a little further her paws trembled and collapsed under her. Her body scream with protest as she tried to move but wasnt happening.

    Mistypawstepped in and settled in staying quiet. She looked from Aspenwind to Dappledstar they looked bad hope they will be okay..

  55. Leafbreeze's breath picked up. She tended to Dappledstar's wounds quickly. They weren't too fatal. It was probably the trauma getting to her leader. She gave her lavender to calm her and colts foot for breathing.

    She did the same for Aspenwind along with poppy seeds. He looked up at her thankfully. "Rest now." The medicine cat gave him a lick on the head.

    She looked at Mistypaw. "How are you feeling?" she tended to Her wounds too.

  56. "Tired..and in pain.."she said thankful that she was quick.

    Dappledstar looked at aspenwind with concern before she could look over at Leafbreeze she was out.

  57. Leafbreeze looked sympathetically at the apprentice. "Its going to be okay." she looked the young cat over, cleaning her wounds and applying marigold and cob webs. "So, was this your first battle against a fox?" she mewed, looking at mistypaw with friendly green eyes.

    Aspenwind watched Leafbreeze for a moment, soothed by the scent of herbs. He looked at Dappledstar, who seemed pretty hurt, and prayed that she would be okay. The pale tom soon drifted off.

    Nightmask came back to camp as cats were getting ready to run out after the fox. "Everyone has heard of the fox i assume." she stopped a group of warriors. "Its alright. I followed the fox trail to chase it out but it seems to be long gone." The creme and brown tabby reassured her clan mates.

  58. smokepelt was on high alert, and ready to chase off the fox when Nightmask made the announcement. his short fur bristled in a straight line down his back. "i want to go check it out and scent the area, unless you already did."his voice calm and low. the cream and black cat said walking a little closer to the long haired cat.

    Raggedfur entred camp having come back from playing around and hunting a little. he manged to catch a grouse and a plump mouse. "what i miss. everyone in camp seemed tense and the smell of blood made him cringe.

  59. Brackenfur turn to the lean tom,"there was a fox in the area, but its gone now so we are okay for now.

    fireflower came back from her nap and didnt care about the fox. Nightmask had it under control and if she didnt she could prove shes stronger and faster. (no than Nightmask just faster herself she used to be slow)

  60. Nightmask calmly registered the tom in her face, her blue eyes sizing him up. "I handled it. But feel free, make yourself useful." The creme she cat looked at Raggedfur's catch. "Nice job."

  61. "Thanks wanna share?" He didnt like the was she acted towards people but like her when she was what she called nice. His greenish eyes flashed with charm but knew she would mostly likely say no.

    Smokepelt glared at her and before walking off said,"cbe wise about who you size up Nightmask. It will haunt you one day."he push passed her and walked out of camp.
    (Intense man intense)

  62. Nightmask braced herself against him, curling her lip as she watched him go. She didnt think much of his ominous words. "Mange pelt." She muttered to herself, turning her attention to Raggedfur. "Share with me?" Cats didnt usually offer to share with her. The cream and brown she cat hadnt eaten yet so nodded slowly, but kept a careful eye on him.

  63. Raggedfur purred and walk over to a spot they could lay,"is here okay?" his tail flicked as he dropped one of the bodies in the fresh kill pile.

    Smokepelt didnt like being treated like a kit. It was just asking a simple question. one day she will hear my words in her head.

  64. Nightmask shrugged, she wasnt picky. The cream and brown she cat plopped down feeling her stomach growl as the warm scent of prey filled her nose. "It was a good day for hunting huh?" She made small talk, letting her sarcasm drop for a moment.

  65. Raggedfur set down the grouse next to her. the lean tom let her take the first bite. "yeah it was. figured i would be useful and bring back something."

  66. The gruff warrior leaned in, taking a small bite and giving a soft mew of amusement at his reply. She fought back sarcasm. "Yes, its always good to try and be useful."

  67. Raggedfur purred but his stomach dropped as he noticed her almost use sarcasm. He took a bite quietly chewing the soft creature. That awkward silence filled the air he didnt know what else to say that would let her or make her use sarcasm.
